
Showing posts from October, 2023

Can money buy my happiness?

    In The Boiler Room Ben Affleck's character said, “ Anybody tells you money is the root of all evil, doesn’t f*cking have any. They say money can't buy you happiness, look at the f*cking smile on my face, ear to ear baby.” When I initially heard this quote I agreed with Affleck’s character. Problematically I later realized that money can't buy me time. Time is invaluable, money can buy you clothes, jewelry, food, but it can't buy time. Hypothetically if money could buy me time. Money could buy me happiness.       For instance if money could buy me time, I could stay in bed longer in the morning. Every morning I have to complete the painstaking chore of leaving my bed. My alarm goes off, I ignore it. My second alarm goes off, I ignore it. Finally on the last alarm I break free from my blanket’s warm embrace and depart my bed. But the struggle isn't over yet after I get out of the shower and get dressed guess where I go. Downstairs to eat breakfast? No! Back to my

Leave my Comfort Zone? I'd rather Not.

          I love trying new things, especially when it comes to things that give me an adrenaline rush. Jet Skiing, Tubing, Zip-lining, I love all of it. In that sense I leave my comfort zone constantly. But when it comes to my social comfort zone, I never leave it.  I've always been very introverted. I'm the kind of person that prefers sitting on the side simply observing rather than actively participating. I'm always the quietest person in a conversation. I hate eating with people at lunch; and meeting new people is always a headache for me. For most of my life I hated how awkward and shy I was. I thought I was prohibiting myself from experiencing some grand experience. I was wrong. I tried participating more, adding more to conversations, eating with friends at lunch and I realized I'm not missing anything. I hate the feeling of having to balance eating with talking to someone. I scarf food down like a wild animal and I have horrible table manners. I also hate talki