What did it really mean to be pals?
The relationship between Meursault and Raymond is one of the most essential relationships in The Stranger . Raymond pulling Meursault into his world and Meursault allowing him to is one of the main reasons Meursault ended up on that beach with a gun in his hand The quote that kickstarted the toxic and explosive relationship between Meursault and Raymond was. " If it isn't that pitiful!" He asked me didn't I think it was disgusting and I said no." I believe these questions about Salamano directed towards Meursault was Raymond's way of feeling out Meursault and seeing if he would judge him for his lifestyle. Due to the fact that Meursault didn't judge Salamano Raymond took that as an indication that Meursault wouldn't judge him for the things he does. In other words Meursault passed Raymond's test. Raymond was looking for a person who would justify/ agree with/not judge any of his decisions and choices which is exactly what Meursault did. For ...